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VTA provides a full range of traditional quantity surveying and cost management services for building and civil engineering projects.



The Basic Professional Services for building works and civil engineering works to be provided by the CQS shall be as follows:


  1. preparing preliminary estimates and cost plans including up to 4 revisions of preliminary estimates and cost plans due to amendments to layout and scope of works;

  2. preparing bills of quantities and other tender documents necessary for the calling of tenders excluding mechanical and electrical works, interior design works, or landscaping works. Quantities are measured from CAD and BIM drawings using smart on-screen measurement software Cost-X. (The specifications of the works to be incorporated in the tender documents shall be prepared and submitted by the respective consultant to the CQS);

  3. preparing tender reports and contract documents, including pricing of bills of quantities or pricing and agreeing schedule of rates, 

  4. valuing works in progress for interim valuations/certificates including measurement of variations excluding mechanical and electrical works, interior design works, or landscaping works and including the verifications and incorporation of the amounts recommended by the consultants for their respective works; and

  5. preparing final accounts for the whole works including the incorporation of the final accounts prepared by the mechanical and electrical consultants, interior designers, or landscape consultants for their respective works.





Additional Professional Services during pre-contract:

The Additional Professional Services to be provided by the CQS during pre­ contract shall be any or a combination of the following:


  1. preparing feasibility studies including income/expenditure cash flow;

  2. preparing preliminary estimates and cost plans beyond the fourth revision;

  3. preparing documents and reports for pre-qualification of contractors;

  4. redrafting conditions of contract to meet requirements of the Government/Private Sectors;

  5. pricing of bills of quantities for negotiated tenders including pricing and agreeing schedule of rates if the CQS is not appointed to undertake the basic professional services for the same project;

  6. preparing and analyzing of prices and attending negotiation meeting;

  7. preparing cost analysis based on the accepted contract sum;

  8. preparing tender price index based on the accepted contract sum; 


Additional Professional Services during post-contract

The Additional Professional Services to be rendered by the CQS during post­ contract shall be any or a combination of the following:


  1. re-measuring the whole or part of the building and associated works due to re-planning of internal layout arising from a change of use, repositioning of the building (if re-measuring is required), and redesign of the structural elements in the works;

  2. re-measuring works for contracts based on provisional bills of quantities;

  3. specific contractual advice on conditions of contract;

  4. services for management contracting;

  5. services arising out of determination of the contractor's employment;

  6. continuing professional services on a protracted basis (after DLP);

  7. attending post-contract  meetings  beyond the original completion date of the project (Contractor's Extension of Time and Liquidated And Ascertained Damages period);

  8. evaluating loss and expense and other contractual claims submitted by the contractor;

  9. preparing bills of quantities and other tender documents for defects and outstanding works to be carried out by a separate contractor and valuation of defective works to be omitted from the contract sum of the defaulting contractor;

  10. professional services for making good of works damaged by fire etc;

  11. preparing costs analysis based on the final Contract Sum  for  the Works​

  12. resident quantity surveying site staff



​In addition, we also provide specialist professional services over and above quantity surveying services as follows:


  • Feasibility and Sensitivity Studies

  • Cost Modeling/Simulation

  • Cash Flow Forecasts for obtaining Bank Loan

  • Assessment of Replacement Cost for Insurances

  • Fire Insurance Valuation

  • Technical Progress Audits for Banks

  • Value Engineering/Management

  • Independent Cost Checker (ICC)

  • Due Diligence

  • Vetting of "mile-stone" payment

  • Vetting financial packages offered by contractors

  • Dispute Resolution Consultancy

  • Expert Witness


  • Arbitration

  • Mediation


VTA's "Feasibility and Sensitivity Studies" and "Cost Simulation and Modeling" software can be used to evaluate the economic viability of all types of projects and also for obtaining bank bridging loans. The advice of the Quantity Surveyor is indispensable when assessing the viability of the project even before the design commences or before the appointment of other consultants.


We are familiar with various types of contracting/procurement/implementation/management methods currently in use in the construction industry including:-

  • PAM

  • PWD

  • Design And Build or Turnkey

  • Package Deals

  • Contracts with Contractor Designed Portions (CDP)

  • Cost Plus

  • Management Contract

  • Construction Management


and can provide assistance in the compilation of needs statements, tender and contract documentation, and tender evaluation of all the above.

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